IT S true to say that Flyboyslooks at the First World War from a different aspect. Here we have American volunteers – these were the days before the United States decided to enter the war – becoming part of Lafayette Escadrille, a squadron of pilots who h

IT'S true to say that Flyboyslooks at the First World War from a different aspect.

Here we have American volunteers - these were the days before the United States decided to enter the war - becoming part of Lafayette Escadrille, a squadron of pilots who had a life expectancy of between three and six weeks.

The reasons for embarking on such an adventure is seen through the eyes of three pilots who come under the command of a war-ravaged captain and a battle-weary pilot.

And these were difficult times as German planes were better equipped and their pilots more experienced in the art of air combat.

Flyboys is certainly not a romantic adventure in the Biggles mode, but one which shows both bravery and the horror in the war to end all wars.