A DRAMATIC reconstruction of the day when yet again the United States and the world stood still. Robert Kennedy, the brother of assassinated President John F Kennedy, and a Presidential candidate himself, was killed at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles

A DRAMATIC reconstruction of the day when yet again the United States and the world stood still.

Robert Kennedy, the brother of assassinated President John F Kennedy, and a Presidential candidate himself, was killed at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles during his campaign.

Here writer-director Emilio Estevez looks at events leading up to the killing of Kennedy through the eyes of 22 people who were at the hotel.

Although we have the likes of Sharon Stone, Helen Hunt and Anthony Hopkins playing the leading roles there seems to be a lack of drama about the production.

Estevez is keen to expose every issue of the late 1960s and in doing so loses track of the events.

One day there will be a film that looks at the times and life of Bobby Kennedy, but this is not the one.