An eight-year-old girl from Melbourn has led a ‘onesie walk’ to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Eloise Collins came up with the idea after previously being involved with charity events following the death of family friend Janice Guest, who passed away from MND seven years ago.

Eloise said: “I wanted to raise money for this charity after my mum organised a MNDA zumba night last year. The onesie walk was fun and I would like to organise more events.”

The group of onesie-wearing walkers, of which more than 50 turned out, managed to surpass £340.

Eloise’s mum, Rebecca Dawson, said: “We are really proud of Eloise for coming up with the idea and organising this.

“Special thanks to Jose, Jeannie and Nikki at the hub for their support and cake. Also thanks to the businesses who kindly donated prizes to the raffle.”

Their next charity event is a music evening at Shepreth’s The Plough on May 12, call Erica on 07956 075166 or email for more details.