At the annual meeting of the local electors, resident in the special drainage district for Royston Clive Hall was elected unopposed as a conservator for three years.

The appointment came after former conservator Margaret Gregorios-Pippas withdrew her bid for re-election.

Mr Hall told the Crow: “I am grateful to those who turned out in such numbers to elect me. I want you to stay in touch with me as a focal point for your views and aspirations for the Heath and Greens. My official email is

“In addition I specifically would like to thank my election team who worked so hard on my behalf and those who gave time and money without whom my campaign would have had considerably less reach.

“The election was not without controversy as some attendees expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of clarity on who was and was not entitled to vote.

“The history of the electoral district is documented in the special report by the Land Commissioners dated March 20, 1888. Royston’s population was about 3,000 people and below the 5,000 minimum required by the Commons Acts for an urban district with rights to vote for conservators, but the Land Commissioners used their discretion as it was their intention that all Royston people would have a say about the management of the common and thus selected the special drainage district as an alternative boundary in the absence of an urban district. Only recently has the town started growing much outside this line.

“It will be important that the conservators address this and other governance issues before next year’s election. I think examples of best practice exist among the other conservator groups around England. For example the conservators of Wimbledon and Putney Commons have a similarly arcane electoral district based on the people who live within ¾ mile walk of their commons (by any route). Those conservators use the electoral roll to ballot the 66,000 eligible residents from parts of three London boroughs.

“Thanks again for turning out to vote. Therfield Heath and Greens are a treasure and the people of Royston increasingly value it. I will

listen to all, and hope to see you all again at the public meetings and next February for next year’s election. Finally I’d like to promote the Friends of Therfield Heath which I support. Do have a think about joining, donating or contributing in some way.”