STUDENTS at Barley First School have been joined by a new member of staff – a 6ft skeleton named Bob. The school successfully completed a Science Fund application and received a Diamond Science Award grant from Glaxo Smith-Klein. And the £200 that they

STUDENTS at Barley First School have been joined by a new 'member of staff' - a 6ft skeleton named Bob.

The school successfully completed a Science Fund application and received a Diamond Science Award grant from Glaxo Smith-Klein.

And the £200 that they received was spent on recruiting 'Bob', the life- size skeleton model.

Headteacher Julie Price said: "The children absolutely love him. In fact they treat him just like a real human being.

"Bob has become a real asset to the school and he has certainly been helping the pupils learn. What the model has done is make their learning more visual and added an element of fun."

Barley First School was one of 97 schools in the Hertfordshire area that applied for funding.

And since the applications went out, £12,000 has been shared between 36 schools.

Each school had to meet the application criteria and state what it wanted to buy for the pupils.

Mrs Price added: "We would not have been able to afford the skeleton if it wasn't for support from the science award, so we are very thankful.