The annual open meeting of the Herts/Cambs Bible Society Action Group in Melbourn is coming up – where there will be a talk on the Operation Christmas Child.

The scheme, which sees people fill shoeboxes with toys and essentials for children around the world who have very little, will be discussed at the meeting at the village's Baptist church in Mortlock Street on Monday, September 9.

Phyllis Dunseth said: "The talk is about everything that's involved. The last thing that people want to hear about in September is Christmas - myself included.

"But it's about hearing first hand from people who have actually gone with the distribution vehicles and can share with the audience the sheer joy of receiving gifts.

"It is also a great benefit, I think, to children here to know what effect their efforts have on children receiving these boxes filled often with second hand toys or handmade mittens and hats."

Doors open at 7.30pm for the 7.45pm talk. There will also be a bring-and-buy stall, and refreshments.