Since the government’s announcement that face coverings must be worn on public transport, the Cam Vale Bus User Group has teamed up with a bus operator to encourage passengers to be sure and come prepared.

A2B owner Brian Clifford has set the destination display of the 127 bus – which connects Royston with Melbourn, Meldreth, Whaddon, Bassingbourn-cum-Kneesworth, Litlington and the Mordens – with the heading, ‘Please keep us safe. Wear a face covering’.

He said: “A2B would like to thank passengers for following government rules on wearing face coverings. This helps not only you but everyone else aboard stay safe. Please follow the social distancing signage on board, and if you are travelling without a facemask because you are exempt, please try and sit at the rear of the vehicle. Please don’t worry if you don’t see your driver wearing a face covering, as drivers are exempt from the ruling.’

Cam Vale Bus User Group chair and county councillor Susan van de Ven said: “The 127 bus has been running all through lockdown. This really is a critical link for many people who don’t have access to private transport.

“Passengers are now required to wear a face covering or mask for the safety of everyone on board. A scarf or bandana is acceptable. The bus itself is equipped with hand sanitiser, and seats have been rearranged to enable social distancing.”