Police are investigating an incident in Guilden Morden at the weekend where valuable items were reported stolen from the home of an elderly couple.

The theft is believed to have taken place sometime between Saturday night and the following morning at Pound Green, with a 79-year-old man alerting police on Sunday at 11am.

He reported that a large Bells whiskey bottle containing about £2,000 worth of £2 coins was stolen from the home he shares with his wife, 74, as was £625 in new £5 notes. Jewellery, a treasured boxing belt and and two shopper trolleys.

The victim said his home was ransacked and the offenders took anything of value, leaving the couple feeling “violated and disgusted”.

Anyone with information is asked to call Cambs police on 101.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through their anonymous online form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org. No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will never need to go to court.