Got a spare couple of minutes to test your emoji/Crow places knowledge? Of course you have!

Answers at the end (and yes, you may need your imagination with some of these). Enjoy...

1. 🦵🦵💷

2. 🌾

3. 🐟🎤👶

4. 🕛🍖

5. 3️⃣7️⃣9️⃣ 🌊

6. 🧯🔥 🤒😊


8. 🦆🦆🏞️


10. 🐔🏞️

11. 🦊🏋

12. ✈️😞

13. 🐇🛬

Bonus Q - 👱‍♂️🥌🐦

1. Kneesworth, easy.

2. Barley - sort of.

3. Ah, that great village of fish-microphone-baby. Bassingbourn!

4. Newnham, of course.

5. Odsey. Nothing odd about it.

6. Ashwell - double points if you got it.

7. Reed. Obviously.

8. Duxford - Ducks and a ford (sort of, we did our best)

9. Baaa-rrington.

10. Fowl-mere (on this occasion, the 'ford' is now a lake, yes).

11. That's a tonne of weight being lifted. Foxton.

12. If you pronounce it incorrectly, this may have been tricky - Thriplow!

13. And the last one is... Buckland! Thank buck for that.

Bonus Q - OK, so the guy is called Roy and let's just imagine the bird is black. It's your favourite 📰!