Mor than 220 people packed into King James Academy Royston’s junior site school hall this evening to hear the result of the Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens election at their AGM.

Clare Swarbrick won the vote for the Special Drainage District of Royston representative position with 171 votes - beating John Davison, who was standing for re-election after a three-year term and scored 51 votes. There was one spoiled ballot paper.

Clare told the Crow: "I'm very proud and it will be a privilege to serve as a conservator. Thank you to everyone who supported me over last few weeks and I look forward to engaging with the community, town council and other users of the heath to ensure the long term future of this beautiful place."

Votes were cast on the night by residents of the SDDR - which the boundary of the old urban district of Royston as it was in 1888, when the act establishing the heath and conservators was passed by parliament.

Prior to the vote, it was put to the conservators whether the statement by chairman John King - which spoke of the group's neutrality and was released before the election, and covered in the Crow - should be read out.

It was then read by an audience member, and questions were asked about why it was issued before the election. It was asked if the current conservators preferred one candidate.

Conservators chairman John King did initially say there was a misprint in the Crow story about the statement. He publicly corrected this when it was brought to his attention that we referred to a line in John Davison's statement on the conservators website, which said: "The conservators want me to be re-elected" and that no misprint had occurred.

Matters put to the conservators on the night included the professional dog walking permits, and how much they would cost.

It was said that people had been approached about cost and there was fee information online - but the conservators said there was no agreed charge as yet, and they were to meet about it on Monday.

Ben Harrop was elected as the stintholder representative as there were no other nominations, before Clare was declared the new SDDR representative.

After the result, John was commended by the conservators for "putting in a phenomenal amount of work over the last three years".

UPDATE: Voting figures were released by the conservators on Thursday morning

John Davison - 51

Clare Swarbrick - 177

Spoiled papers - 1