Motorists are being advised to think again before overtaking farm vehicles on country lanes.

Although many drivers feel putting their foot down is one of the great joys of driving, in the wrong situation it can have terrible consequences Cambridgeshire Police and Countryside Watch have warned.

As summer comes to a close and harvests are gathered there are uncommonly high numbers of tractors and agricultural vehicles on the roads that are often turning into fields which motorists might not expect even if the indicator is on.

Sgt Chris Huggins, of Cambridgeshire Police, said: “Drivers expect vehicles to always turn at junctions but tractors also turn into fields so motorists don’t include this as part of their driving plan.

“Motorists often want to simply overtake as soon as possible when they see a tractor ahead but this could have very serious consequences.”

Ellen Muirhead, from Cambridge countryside catch, said: “Our members are reporting incidents where cars are continuing to overtake them, even when they are clearly indicating to turn right. One member recently had four incidents in one day.”