THE search for the true picture of a village show turned to Wimpole Hall on Sunday. Filming took place for a new BBC series, The National Village Show, which is looking for the character and atmosphere of village life as it revolves around the annual show

THE search for the true picture of a village show turned to Wimpole Hall on Sunday.

Filming took place for a new BBC series, The National Village Show, which is looking for the character and atmosphere of village life as it revolves around the annual show.

Television gardening expert Alan Titchmarsh, who was there to judge such competitions as the largest marrow, the longest carrot, and the biggest leek, made several visits to Michael and Vera Campbell's 1954 MG TF.

The couple had taken a copy of Alan's romantic novel Rosie, a story about a sports car.

Exhibitors included Bryn, Elspeth and Ann Davies, who also entered 30 exhibits in the Orwell Show's children's classes.

A BBC researcher saw their efforts and invited them to enter the miniature gardens section in Sunday's event.

Bryn, in addition to winning first prize, notched up the experience of three television interviews - and now looks forward to making another miniature garden for the finals in October.

Janet Reading, who had a full time job protecting her plants against the high winds, won first prize for raspberries.