The Rosie maternity hospital in Cambridge is celebrating its 40th birthday by reaching out to babies born there in October 1983 - and the staff who helped deliver them.

The hospital is creating an archive of memories, pictures and stories associated with the first babies to be born at the purpose-built unit, which was opened thanks to a £3m donation from entrepreneur and philanthropist Sir David Robinson, and named after his mother Rosie Robinson.

Royston Crow: A baby born at the Rosie in 1983A baby born at the Rosie in 1983 (Image: Cambridge University Hospitals)

Once collated, the archive will be available within the hospital for the public to view later in the year.

This week, stories and pictures are being displayed on social media and on a 'memory board' at the hospital entrance.


The hospital is also giving away 'Rosie 40' commemorative bibs to any babies born at the hospital last week and this week, thanks to support from Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust.

Director of midwifery Meg Wilkinson said: "Do you have photos, special memories, or perhaps you remember the name of the midwife or clinician that bought you into the world?

"Were you a midwife or an employee at the Rosie? We’d love to hear from you too!"

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