Members of the public are invited to have their say on the future of health services in Royston.

The first phase of Let's Talk: Royston launched today - Friday, June 30 - and aims to engage with people in the community about the health and wellbeing services which matter to them.

As well as an online survey, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System will distribute leaflets, posters and printed surveys in key locations across Royston and surrounding areas - so that everyone can share their views.

Kit Connick, chief officer of strategy and partnerships at the Integrated Care System, said: "As part of this initial phase of Let’s Talk: Royston, we are keen to better understand people’s experience of health services in the area.

"We are asking the local community to talk to us about their experience of accessing services; their views on the services available locally; and other health and wellbeing issues that matter to them.

"We are also working closely with the local Healthwatch group to gather their insights."

The first phase of Let's Talk: Royston will last for six weeks, up to August 11.


At the end of this period, the feedback and data will be reviewed and the findings will be published in a public report, which will be used to inform the future of health services in the town.

North East Herts MP Sir Oliver Heald is urging people to take part in the survey as part of the ongoing campaign to save Royston Hospital.

Campaigners want to turn the Royston Hospital site - which had its last beds removed in 2012 - into a health and social care hub for the town, rather than enhancing the town's existing health centre.

The campaign has met with support from councillors across political parties.

Sir Oliver stressed the importance of a state-of-the-art health and diagnostics unit for Royston, and said: "It has always previously been argued that the best site for this is the Royston Hospital site. 

"We need to hear a strong response from Royston to this consultation."

To take part in the survey go to