'Bloomsday' celebrations will take place in Royston this week to celebrate James Joyce's novel Ulysses.

The action of Ulysses takes place over a single day - June 16, 1904 - and each year participants dress up in early 20th century clothing as a homage to the novel and its protagonist Leopold Bloom.

At 10am on Friday, Mayor Cllr Lisa Adams will launch the Bloomsday celebrations at Royston Museum.

Museum manager Nicky Paton will read from the novel's opening pages, with both Nicky and the mayor dressed in 1904 clothing.

Participants will then take part in a 'Bloomsday morning stroll' through the town, welcoming Royston's new businesses and paying tribute to the older and more-established.


Representing the first group will be the town's newest independent bookshop Bow Books, while representing the second will be Dyson's Menswear, which has been trading continuously on the same site for 85 years.

The group will stop at Royston Library to view a display of James Joyce's works.

Readings from Ulysses will take place at each stop, before the group returns to the museum for late morning refreshments.

Anyone is welcome to come along - whether in costume or not - and all proceeds will go to Water Aid.