Thrill seekers took the plunge with The Lister Abseil challenge on Sunday, and have already raised over £45,000 for the East and North Herts Hospitals' charity.

One hundred people, including NHS staff, former patients and supporters from the community who wanted to raise funds to thank a hospital department took part in the event.

Chief nurse at the trust, Theresa Murphy, who has raised over £1,800 in sponsorship, abseiled down the 11-storey building.

Royston Crow: One hundred people abseiled 11-storeys down Lister HospitalOne hundred people abseiled 11-storeys down Lister Hospital (Image: East and North Herts NHS Trust)

She said: “It was absolutely terrifying but I loved it!

“I only started at the trust in the summer but I have already seen how our charity helps our hospitals be even better so I felt had to take on this challenge to support them.

“Thank you to everyone who sponsored me. I’m surprised, and delighted, to have raised so much! This will help ensure our wonderful NHS staff continue to give exceptional care to all our patients.”

Royston Crow: Todd in the Hole team member Emma Watts took on The Lister AbseilTodd in the Hole team member Emma Watts took on The Lister Abseil (Image: Todd in the Hole)

Among the other brave participants was Todd in the Hole team member, Emma Watts.

The festival is once again in aid of the East and North Herts Hospitals Charity - which supports Lister and The New QEII in Welwyn Garden City, Hertford County Hospital and Mount Vernon Cancer Centre.

This year the Todds Green-based event will raise funds for ‘The Magic of Play Garden’, a project to make over the existing outdoor space on The Bluebell Ward.

Royston Crow: Smiles ahead of the The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023Smiles ahead of the The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023 (Image: East and North Herts NHS Trust)

“Lister is such an important resource in our community, most people who come to Todd in the Hole have been in the Lister or visited someone there," Emma said.

"I spent time in hospital last year and am so grateful to the all of the NHS staff there.

The least I can do is face some fears and help them raise vital funds!”

Royston Crow: The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023 (Image: East and North Herts NHS Trust)

Beth McNeil, the charity’s head of fundraising, added: “Thank you to everyone who took part in the abseil. It was an incredible day and we are absolutely thrilled the event raised this fantastic amount.

“We heard some lovely stories from people who were taking part to thank our wonderful NHS teams. It makes me very proud.

Royston Crow: The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023 (Image: East and North Herts NHS Trust)

“The funds raised will help us continue to support these wonderful teams so they continue to go above and beyond for all our patients.

“If you are thrill-seeker, we hope you will join us next year!”

Royston Crow: The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023 (Image: East and North Herts NHS Trust)

Royston Crow: The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023The Lister Abseil Challenge 2023 (Image: East and North Herts NHS Trust)