Home-Start in Royston, Buntingford and South Cambs is celebrating its annual 'Love Your Home-Start' (LYHS) day on Friday, February 10.

This year is particularly special, as the charity is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

A collection will be held on Friday at the Tesco Extra in Royston on the day.

Home-Start has been helping families in Royston and surrounding villages, Buntingford and South Cambs since 1983.

The charity has created a LYHS activity park which includes ideas for things to do on the day and with children and grandchildren during half term.

To download the pack go to hsrsc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/LYHS-activity-pack-2023.pdf.

The activity pack is free, but if you would like to make a donation and leave a message for the charity go to https://visufund.com/love-your-home-start-2023.

A spokesperson for Home-Start said: "We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in our community for all their ongoing support of our Home-Start scheme."