ROYSTON sizzled today with temperatures topping 33 degrees celcius in the town, the hottest for three years.

After an overcast, cooler, weekend, the high temperatures returned with a vengeance today, coinciding with the start of the summer holidays for many Crow country youngsters.

Richard Dajda, who runs a weather station at his home in Sun Hill, Royston, said: “I recorded a temperature of 33.2 degrees celcius today, which is the warmest it’s been since I started recording in 2010.”

Hertfordshire’s top fire officer has warned people to be careful in the hot weather due to the increased risk of fires starting.

Roy Wilsher said: “We want people to have a great summer. However, I’d like to remind people to take care and think about fire safety while enjoying the warm weather.

“The ground is currently very dry and, in conditions like this, it doesn’t take much to start a fire.

“Every year acres of countryside and wildlife habitats are destroyed by fire and the risk increases considerably during dry weather.

“Although outdoor fires are rarely life-threatening, they can cause long-lasting damage to our surroundings.”

Temperatures are set to remain high tomorrow, but rain is expected with showers throughout the day.

*Been having fun in the sun? Send your pictures to, or tweet @roystoncrow.