An investigation has been launched into allegations that the body of a man was left on the floor of an ambulance station for more than an hour because Norfolk paramedics wanted to finish their shift on time.

A whistle-blower from the East of England Ambulance Service has alleged that the body of a man from Littleport was left next to bins at Ely Ambulance Station, in Nutholt Lane, instead of being taken directly to a mortuary at Addenbrooke's Hospital, in Cambridge.

The whistle-blower, who has asked to remain anonymous, has alleged that an ambulance crew based in Norfolk responded to the call to collect the man's body but were about to finish a night shift and were reluctant to make the trip to Cambridge.

It is claimed that the crew were authorised to leave the body in the garage area and return home, with paramedics working the morning shift in Ely discovering it on the floor, next to bins, more than an hour later when they arrived for work.

The whistle-blower said: 'Standard practice would be for paramedics to transport the body to the mortuary but, on the day, the body was left on the station floor next to the bins, which raises issues of dignity and decency.

'I have never experienced anything like this is my career, it was totally wrong. When the day crew came in, about an hour later, they found the body there.'

A spokesman for the East of England Ambulance Service said: 'An incident last month involving the transportation of a deceased patient is under investigation, and as such we cannot comment any further.'

The spokesman said that the family of the man would be contacted in the coming weeks, as the investigation was carried out.