THURSDAY April 6 Deaths: Richard I, 1199; Igor Stravinsky, Russian composer, 1971; Issac Asimov, author, 1992; Tammy Wynette, country singer, 1998. FRIDAY APRIL 7 Deaths: PT Barnum, showman, 1891; Henry Ford, car production pioneer, 1947; Jim Clark, ex-G

THURSDAY April 6 Deaths: Richard I, 1199; Igor Stravinsky, Russian composer, 1971; Issac Asimov, author, 1992; Tammy Wynette, country singer, 1998. FRIDAY APRIL 7 Deaths: PT Barnum, showman, 1891; Henry Ford, car production pioneer, 1947; Jim Clark, ex-Grand Prix world racing champion, 1968. SATURDAY APRIL 9 Deaths: Vaslav Nijinsky, Russian ballet dancer, 1950; Pablo Picasso, artist, 1973. SUNDAY APRIL 10 Deaths: Edward IV, 1483; Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painter and poet, 1882. MONDAY APRIL 11 Deaths: Auguste Lumiere, French cinema pioneer, 1954; Stuart Sutcliffe, one of the original Beatles, 1962; Evelyn Waugh, author of Scoop and Brideshead Revisited, 1966; Little Eva, 1960s singer, 2003. TUESDAY APRIL 12 Deaths: Joseph Carey Merrick, known as The Elephant Man, 1890; John O'Hara, author of Butterfield 8, 1970; Erskine Caldwell, author of Tobacco Road, 1987; Sir Harry Secombe, once of The Goons, 2001. WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 Deaths: Franklin D Roosevelt, US president, 1945; Boxcar Willie, country and western singer, 1989; Sugar Ray Robinson, boxer, 1989.