COUNCILLOR Bob Trimble is quoted as saying on the issue of the new Melbourn Community Centre: We carried out a survey of residents and had a huge response, with the vast majority in favour of building a new centre . Which part of planet does he come fro

COUNCILLOR Bob Trimble is quoted as saying on the issue of the new Melbourn Community Centre: "We carried out a survey of residents and had a huge response, with the vast majority in favour of building a new centre".

Which part of planet does he come from? What survey, and of whom?

Nobody I know was surveyed, and the first thing most people heard of it was when some concerned residents leafleted the neighbourhood.

Furthermore, nobody I have met is in favour of the scheme.

With an estimated final cost of about £1 million, I understand £2,000 of our money has already been spent on professional fees and administration.

This money could have been better spent installing flashing speed signs in the High Street, or buying a strip of land for the BMX bikers to use.

With the wonderful new All Saints' Community Hall, and at least three other halls for hire in the village, do we really need another, which would also serve to reduce patronage of the other halls?

Then there's the proposed licence to 1.30am on a Saturday night - great for the neighbours.

And who will pay the wages of the extra staff that will be needed to look after the place?

It would probably be lovely for the parish council to have a posh new home, but at what cost to the Council Tax payers?

How badly do we need such a venue?

It seems that a small nucleus of councillors is trying to bulldoze this proposal through, without proper consultation with the people whom they serve, and who in the end, are going to have to foot the bill.

Grand schemes like this need proper consideration and consultation. Act in haste, and repent at leisure. What price democracy?


High Street
