I am writing to say how sorry I am for the remark I made at a Planning meeting of Royston Town Council on 8 February concerning the standard of restaurants in Royston. It was something which came out all wrong and was carelessly said in the heat of th

I am writing to say how sorry I am for the remark I made at a Planning meeting of Royston Town Council on 8 February concerning the standard of restaurants in Royston.

It was something which came out all wrong and was carelessly said in the heat of the moment, (a thing so easily done, as I am sure we can all acknowledge!), and which I now very much regret.

I genuinely love the town of Royston and think very highly of the people who live and work here, including Royston's shops and restaurants, but once again I can only apologise if I have caused any offence, especially to the hard working and excellent restaurants in our town.

Cllr Lindsay Davidson

Royston Town Council