Don Johnson spoke to members about 17th century smuggling, with slides full of facts and figures noting the total and variety of goods smuggled, silks, tobacco, coal, marble and spices mainly from Holland where prices were low and a great profit made wh

Don Johnson spoke to members about 17th century smuggling, with slides full of facts and figures noting the total and variety of goods smuggled, silks, tobacco, coal, marble and spices mainly from Holland where prices were low and a great profit made when sold back in England.

Customs as we know it today were set up in 1275 and custom services were later formed in 1698.

A birthday card and wishes went to Valerie Jackson, and members were requested to pay up outing money on time for the Thoroughly Modern Millie trip to be paid in by this week.

In the raffle the first winner, Janet Sizer, chose the indoor hyacinths, second, Phyllis Harradine, box of toiletries, third, Peggy Messel, scarf and gloves, fourth, Rowena Burt, bottle of wine, fifth, Pauline Jones, box of chocolates.