With the British advance, the civilians were coming back, returning to their homes in the rear of the advance. Some pitiful sights. Some civilians refused to leave and many were killed. You may be sure the troops were doing well. Fowl, rabbits and flour w

With the British advance, the civilians were coming back, returning to their homes in the rear of the advance. Some pitiful sights. Some civilians refused to leave and many were killed.

You may be sure the troops were doing well. Fowl, rabbits and flour were plentiful

At night, shells dropped.

Joined Battery. Gun line went up as working party to construct pontoon bridge across a canal. A lively time we had. Several of the party killed.

Higher up, a party of "Jocks" had been constructing a bridge. They must have had a rough time. Many had been killed.

It was here I saw one of the most ghastly sights I had seen during the war. These men had floated down dead to our bridge.