THE new age equality laws are long overdue. They mean that people will no longer be denied jobs or harassed because of their age and as a result they will have an equal chance of training and promotion. The new laws will be a breath of fresh air to people

THE new age equality laws are long overdue. They mean that people will no longer be denied jobs or harassed because of their age and as a result they will have an equal chance of training and promotion.

The new laws will be a breath of fresh air to people of all ages, not just older people, as some people may think.

Younger employees are often seen as inexperienced or not as reliable as their older colleagues.

But then again, older employees are sometimes regarded as not up to the standard of modern training, get stuck in their ways and are happy to plod along like they have for the past 10 years or before computers came into existence.

Some employers may regard older workers as a poor investment.

They are nearer the retirement age and are not as likely to put as much into the company.

But in today's society this probably doesn't make a difference when people are moving from one company to the next every two to five years in order to move further up the ladder.

However, at the end of the day no one should be discriminated against over just a number.

If they can do the job well I can't see a problem because everyone has got to make a living.