I WAS pleased to see Councillor Liz Beardwell and Councillor Robert Inwood drawing attention to the need for safer routes to school for pupils attending schools in Burns Road – Roman Way School and Roysia School – as well as supporting any action taken in

I WAS pleased to see Councillor Liz Beardwell and Councillor Robert Inwood drawing attention to the need for safer routes to school for pupils attending schools in Burns Road - Roman Way School and Roysia School - as well as supporting any action taken in Garden Walk.

As a one-time Royston town councillor, I can re-call my efforts to get the footpath extended from near Roysia School to beyond Rosetti Lodge, when the latter was built.

Now why should not the planning gain from the recent Tesco extension be used for safer routes to school in the area?

Any why not use the inevitable planning gain which will result from further Fairview development in north Royston to fund a railway crossing?

History would then have come full circle.

As I am sure some ex-members of Royston Town Council will recall that Fairview offered a bridge crossing in those far-off day when the Combelands and Burns Road estates were originally built.

It would then be up to the present-day Royston councillors to show that they can learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and ensure that history does not repeat itself.


High Street, Bassingbourn