I HAVE a great deal of sympathy for Cllr Rod Kennedy and his frustrated position laid out in his letter (Crow Postbag, July 17). The lot of a local politician is not a happy one. Despite political achievements and improvements in the community, there is s

I HAVE a great deal of sympathy for Cllr Rod Kennedy and his frustrated position laid out in his letter (Crow Postbag, July 17).

The lot of a local politician is not a happy one. Despite political achievements and improvements in the community, there is scant reward and little gratitude.

Nevertheless, there is a by-election for a vacant seat on Royston Town Council, and I hope it is not going to be characterised by personal attacks and squalid, negative campaigning.

We need a campaign that concentrates on policy rather than personalities.

In reflection of Conservative hegemony of local politics (town, district and county councils) within Royston, it is not particularly impressive.

Royston used to have a cinema and an outdoor swimming pool which have both gone. It did have a thriving High Street. It's going.

We do have the Royston Leisure Centre which seems to charge at such a level that it excludes a significant proportion of the community.

Perhaps, Cllr Kennedy, it is time for a change?

