CUT back the flowering stems of border plants such as peonies, lupins, delphiniums, iris, and other June flowers, now that their blooms are over. Depending on the weather, lupins and delphiniums may flower again in late summer if this is done. It is als

CUT back the flowering stems of border plants such as peonies, lupins, delphiniums, iris, and other June flowers, now that their blooms are over.

Depending on the weather, lupins and delphiniums may flower again in late summer if this is done.

It is also important to deadhead roses. Repeat flowering climbers should be cut back to the main framework of stems, but ramblers should have stems which have finished flowering cut back at ground level, since next year's blooms will be on new wood developing from the base.

Old varieties of shrub roses, which flower only once can be pruned for next year's shape, making cuts above leaf buds, while hybrid teas should be pruned to where new growth should produce a second flush of flowers, with the same treatment for floribunda roses.

Continue to feed and deadhead flowers in hanging baskets and containers to prolong their show, and water regularly, since they will dry out very quickly because of their exposed position.

It is time to sow the seeds of autumn varieties of carrots, now that all danger of carrot root fly has passed, and there has been some rain to wet the soil and aid germination.

Do not thin these carrots as they can be left in the ground through the winter months, and seem to space themselves out without any trouble.

You can also sow a last row of peas, choosing the Kelvedon Wonder variety which should mature in time for a picking at the end of August provided the mice do not find them.

It is also the right time to plant out leeks which have been sown in a seed bed or tray.

Make a hole with a dibber, trim the roots of the leeks so that they are of even length, and drop them in.

Water immediately after but do not fill the hole with soil - this will happen as the water and, hopefully, rain washes the soil down around them.