Footballers wives don t live in the real world. All they ever seem to do is shop, get pampered, shop and! I must admit I wouldn t mind giving their lifestyle a trial run, but I m pretty sure that after a month the novelty would quickly wear

Footballers' wives don't live in the real world. All they ever seem to do is shop, get pampered, shop and!

I must admit I wouldn't mind giving their lifestyle a trial run, but I'm pretty sure that after a month the novelty would quickly wear off, and I would be bored stiff!

It would be OK if it was their own money they were spending but it's their partners' millions, and to be quite frank, that's never going to give them an incentive to go out into the real world and get a job!

If I was them I would rather be financially independent and have my own career.

Those who do launch a career after dating a premiership footballer do not get it on their own merit - it's just because they are 'famous' for being a WAG.

But then anyone can be famous nowadays, and I personally would rather be well-known for having a talent, not simply prancing around the shops in the latest designer shades.