I HAD always understood that when a vacancy occurred on the town council, or any other council, the rules and regulations have to be applied, such as it having to be advertised. It is not Cllr Kennedy s responsibilty to co-opt a member of similar politica

I HAD always understood that when a vacancy occurred on the town council, or any other council, the rules and regulations have to be applied, such as it having to be advertised.

It is not Cllr Kennedy's responsibilty to co-opt a member of similar political thinking, whatever the reason, and voters should decide for themselves whom they wish to elect to the council.

Co-option is a dangerous route to follow, and it can create a precedent when democracy is debased and falls by the wayside.

For instance, we now have an unelected Prime Minister who has his own mandate and shows little concern for democracy.

The word democracy means government for the people by the people.

Cllr Kennedy's unwavering support for his party and its policies, most of which have been emulated by New Labour, is commendable. However, three recessions in 30 years is hardly an enviable record.


Green Drift
