I would encourage your readers to visit the extremely well produced website for the proposed wind turbines at Highfield Farm, Royston Road, Litlington. (www.highfieldwindenergy.co.uk). The four turbines proposed have an 80m tower, and are 125m to the max

I would encourage your readers to visit the extremely well produced website for the proposed wind turbines at Highfield Farm, Royston Road, Litlington. (www.highfieldwindenergy.co.uk).

The four turbines proposed have an 80m tower, and are 125m to the maximum height of the blades(the London Eye is only 10m taller).

This will have a massive visual impact, especially on Therfield Heath, as previous correspondents have noted.

Many houses in Litlington are only 1000m from the nearest proposed turbine.

As those who have been kept awake over the years by illegal raves held near this site will attest, wind direction can make an enormous difference to noise nuisance.

Dr John Wright