Regarding Vic Phillips letter (Postbag February 11), I m pleased to say the birds that visit my garden are not that fussy, and seem quite happy with table scraps. Also when I food shop I look for food which is about to run out of date, such as bread, appl

Regarding Vic Phillips letter (Postbag February 11), I'm pleased to say the birds that visit my garden are not that fussy, and seem quite happy with table scraps. Also when I food shop I look for food which is about to run out of date, such as bread, apples (black birds love them), mince pies, hot cross buns (when in season), and fruit cake the last three items contain fat, which birds need in the winter.

I disagree with Vic about letting things grow wild, and maybe the council or whoever is responsible for manicuring the roads verges and hedge rows need to be told; let the wild flowers bloom and the grass seed, and give our birds, bees, and butterflies a chance. It's my opinion that this is one of the reasons our "three B's" are in decline.

I've travelled Europe a little and you can't help noticing how different it is over there, with wild flowers and the like on the road verges.

Mr L.Gilhart

Meadow Way
