Earlier this year I was with a group walking in the Drakeusberg Mountains in South Africa when one of the group, a lady, slipped, fell, and broke her wrist. She was taken to a local hospital, but before any treatment was given, the hospital wanted to see

Earlier this year I was with a group walking in the Drakeusberg Mountains in South Africa when one of the group, a lady, slipped, fell, and broke her wrist.

She was taken to a local hospital, but before any treatment was given, the hospital wanted to see the colour of her money, and if an interpreter was needed her bill would have been higher.

So why is this country not taking this step? People are flooding into this country and getting free NHS treatment without putting anything into the pot. Our little country cannot continue being the hospital for the world - someone has to pay, and it's us good old tax payers who are footing the bill.

Millions of good, hard working, people, who have worked all their lives and paid all their dues, can see the very fabric of this country is breaking down at an alarming rate.

Not only are immigrants sucking this country dry, but also many home-grown English people who have never worked in their lives. Their children are growing up knowing that they don't have to work because of hand outs. Just who pays their N.I. and taxes?

Mr L.Gilhart
