Eight projects that will benefit businesses and communities in South Cambs have been awarded around £1.76 million from the government's Shared Prosperity Fund.

The funding is due to start being received this financial year, ending by March 2025.

Projects funded in South Cambs include £300,000 towards improving the district's high streets, in consultation with parish councils and residents, around £270,000 towards skills training for small and medium-sized businesses and £150,000 towards a scheme to improve community gardens and green spaces.

In addition, £100,000 will go towards a scheme based in libraries to support business start-ups - with a focus on women and ethnic minorities, £100,000 will support new business start-ups with grant funding, and £600,000 will be used to create amenities in Northstowe.

South Cambs District Council will also be working in partnership with neighbouring councils on some other schemes, including a programme of green business grants to help small businesses reduce carbon emissions and energy costs, £170,000 of which will go to businesses in South Cambs.

There will also be funding for enhancing the area's visitor economy and markets, £70,000 of which will be spent in South Cambs. This will include encouraging people to shop local and a youth enterprise programme of disadvantaged and future traders.