Churches in Royston hosted a Christmas event for Ukrainian families staying in the area to give them a taste of British festive traditions.

On the Thursday before Christmas the Ukrainian families gathered with their hosts, Royston town mayor Cllr Mary Antony and other friends living nearby to celebrate at St John the Baptist Church.

Royston Crow: Abode Estate Agents acted as a drop-off point for Christmas giftsAbode Estate Agents acted as a drop-off point for Christmas gifts (Image: Anna Bernard)

The refugee families had already celebrated St Nicholas' Day on December 13 in their own style, and will also celebrate their Christmas Day on January 7.

There were Christmas snacks on offer, and the children were able to have fun in the children's corner and take part in a Christmas craft activity.

After this everyone gathered around the church's Christmas tree - which has been newly redecorated for the first time since 2018, when the church and the tree's decorations were severely damaged in a fire.

The children found and distributed the gifts from under the tree, which had been donated for each person present.

There was also an opportunity to write a message or a prayer, especially for loved ones still suffering in Ukraine, and tie it to the tree.

Everyone sang 'Silent Night' in both Ukrainian and English, followed by a prayer and a blessing.

Following more refreshments and conversation, it was time to go home and each child left with a chocolate selection box.

The afternoon's event was hosted by Churches Together in Royston and District, with support from Abode Estate Agents, who acted as a drop-off point for the gifts, as well as for donated goods being sent by convoy to Ukraine.

James Dalgleish, on behalf of the Churches Together Ukraine Support Working Group, said: "This was all made possible by the generosity of many people, who gave a true demonstration of the Christmas message: Love Came Down at Christmas.

"May that love continue to be shown to all those in need throughout the coming year."

Churches Together in Royston and District is a non-profit organisation, which is funded by voluntary donations and gifts from member churches.

For more information and a list of the churches involved go to